Thursday, March 29, 2012

Just what I needed!

Last night Lori sent me an email asking how my running was going. She ran 8 miles over the weekend - great job Lori! My answer to how was my running.....I'm not. I've been lazy...and busy. I ran 2 times last week and hadn't yet this week. So after reading Lori's email last night....I got up this morning and ran. Felt good. I do love to run! And this morning I was reminded of how good I feel afterwards. So I got my 5K training plan back out. I'm going to do the Advanced program and work my way towards running a 5K without stopping. So a BIG Thank You to Lori....for the support and push. Sometimes we all can use a little push...

Happy Running!

Monday, March 19, 2012

3 mile walk today

Tonight I had to pick my car up at Fagan. So I thought....I should run there. I wasn't feeling too ambitious so it took some convincing to start out. I left the house....did a couple minutes walking and then started running. That didn't last long. I hate running on Wright Road. I feel like everyone is looking at me....and thinking....she is slow, she doesn't look like a runner, and she takes walk breaks. So my goal is to one day run on Wright Road....and be confident in my running ability. I will get there...someday soon!!!!

Happy Running!!!! Have a great week!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Now what?

The race is now how do I keep myself motivated and moving? I am going to sign up for another race. 5k. And my goal is to run with minimal, if any stops.

Amber & I went for a run this morning. Increased our run time. Now I need to put a training plan in place....I really think I need to do that to keep myself going.

Happy Running! Tell me how you keep going!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The race......

We made it. We accomplished our goals.....the slow bus didn't pick us up, we finished and we didn't fall down. So mission accomplished.

I think we may have started out a little too strong. We were pretty consistent for our first 6 miles. Then 6-9 was a little tougher. Once we hit mile 9......I felt like I was going to die. I got a charlie horse in my left calf and it wouldn't go away. Amber was having trouble with her arches. So needless to say......we ended up doing more walking than we had planned on. The last 4 miles were tough. They seemed to drag on forever. I had an upset stomach and was exhausted. However, we kept going. Once we were on the final stretch and we saw our support team.....Roger, Teri, Tammy, Alysia and Amanda.....we got a little boost of energy to run across the finish line. It really took every once of energy that I had to finish. It was TOUGH. But I am proud to say we finished. And we are going to do another. We're tentatively thinking Nashville next year. And next year we'll be stronger, faster and run more than we did this year. I'm up for the challenge and looking forward to becoming a better runner.

Next goal......finish a 5K and run the whole thing. No run/walk it and hopefully in 36 minutes. I've got my 5K training back out and will start that in the next couple of days. Giving my body a little bit of a rest and then I'll be back at it.

I didn't get as emotional at the finish line as I thought I would. I think I was too exhausted. And I'm still not quite sure it has sunk in yet.....never in a million years did I think I'd be doing a half marathon. BUT WE DID!!! Thanks for being my running partner Amber!

Monday, March 5, 2012

It's almost here..........

Yesterday Amber & I ran 5 miles at the Y. We didn't want to chance it with running outside on the new snow. It was also probably a good idea to run in "warmer" weather.

We are going to do a couple short runs this week......but nothing strenuous as we rest our body for this weekend. We stopped at ASR yesterday and got a little pep talk from Kitty. She said this week we should close our eyes and picture yourself at certain points in the race...picture yourself crossing the finish line. Enjoy the moment. You've trained and now it is time to cross the finish line. She always has great advice! Glad I stopped down there.

It's been about 9 months since we got off the couch and started the 5K program at ASR. Amber & I have both had some set backs......but we've kept going. We have our plan down for running/walking....and now we just need to execute it. After we are done with this race we are going to build on our run time without stopping. For this race we are doing run one minute/walk one minute. This race is about the distance.....getting to the finish line and not getting hurt. My knees are a little tender yet and Amber is still fighting issues with her arches. But we're going to finish and finish without the slow bus picking us up! And then next year we are thinking of running in Nashville. We'll see. And each time we run......we plan to get faster, run longer and stronger.

It's been a fun journey.....and we're only getting started!

Happy Running! Have a great week.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Quick Run

Yesterday I got a quick 3 mile run in before I left for the tradeshow. The temperature was perfect....but that wind was brutal again. I wore my heart rate monitor and burned probably 150 more calories than I normally do for that distance.

10 days!! Just 10 days til we run 13.1 miles. I'm excited!!

No running today. On my feet for 12 hours today at the tradeshow. I plan to get in a couple more 3-5 mile runs this weekend.

Have a great week. Happy Running!