Sunday, February 26, 2012

Damn wind!

Today Amber & I set out to do 13 miles. Well...that didn't happen.

We had our route planned....start behind Sam's club and end at the boat launch in Afton....all bike trails. So I picked up Amber at the boat launch and we stopped in Palmer park to hide some water bottles. We then discover that all of the trails are not plowed. From Palmer down to Afton they are plowed....but not from Sam's to Palmer. Ok... we'll run from my house to Wright Rd to Ruger and then pick up the trails in Palmer. We start out and realize the wind is blowing like crazy and we are running right into it. After 15 minutes....we're wiped out. Running into the 25 mph wind just isn't going to cut it if we want to go for a long run. So we turn around and head to my house. We got in the car and headed down to Afton. The wind is blocked a lot down on the trails with all of the trees. So we ended up getting in 8 miles today. But felt like we ran 15 with the damn wind. Amber's arch on her foot was hurting and I was wiped out. So we were happy with the 8 and called it a day. We feel good that we can do 13.1 and not get picked up by the slow bus. :)

Next weekend we'll do a 4 or 5 mile run and then take it easy the days leading up to the race. This week I plan to get in a couple 3 mile runs hopefully. I've got a tradeshow out of town Wed - Friday so that always throws a wrench into my schedule. Working 7-7 on my feet doesn't allow for much we'll see.

Have a great week!! Happy Running!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunday & Monday run

Amber & I ran on Sunday. Just about 5 miles. We ran on a different part of the bike trails. We started behind Sam's and ran along Hwy 14. A change of scenery was nice. And Amber's ankle was feeling pretty decent.....and the weather was perfect!

Tonight Hannah & I went to the same trails and ran a couple of miles. It was dark when I left do I figured a running partner was a good idea.

Sunday we are doing a dry run for the race. We've got our path figured out....Sam's to Afton boat launch. That is pretty intimidating but I'm excited too!

Have a great week. Happy Running!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

we both ran today!

Amber & I ran together today. First time in a couple of weeks! 3 miles this morning. Tomorrow 5 or 6. My flu is gone (Rob has it now) and Amber's ankle is improving.

Tomorrow we are checking out the trail behind Walmart. Looking forward to some new scenery.

Then next weekend we have our last long run before the race....I think. I need to double check the schedule. It is coming fast!!!

Enjoy the sunshine and get outside for a run!

Tammy, I have your headband for the race. I'm trying mine out tomorrow.

Happy Running!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

No habit this week...

I got hit with a nasty flu bug. In bed for 2 days. Lost 6 lbs in 2 days. Should be back at it Friday or Saturday!

Keep running!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Can this become a habit?

Can I make getting up in the morning and running a habit?  I'm always happy when I do it....then I'm done for the day. 

I knew that tonight I will most likely be going out for if I wanted to get a run in....I needed to get up early.  So I did.  Got 30 minutes in on the treadmill.  I really want to try to get into the habit of doing this during the week.  I want to start getting 45 minutes in every morning....whether it be walking or running.   So that is my new goal.....ask me how it is going after this week?  If I can commit to this week....I think I can start to make it a daily habit.

Happy Running! 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

12 miles = 7, right?

Amber's ankle is still my advice to her was skip the long run today.  She has to heal if she wants to run the race.....and we still have 27 days left AND we've already ran 11 miles.  So I decided to stay inside today and see just how many miles I could do on my treadmill. I knew this was going to be a battle.  I really wanted to get 8 miles in.  I knew I wasn't going to get 12 in on the treadmill......I'd go crazy trying to do that.  I have a hard enough time staying on the treadmill for 30 minutes most days.  But I thought.....I'll shoot for 8, be happy with 5.  haha. 

The one thing I do like about the treadmill is that I can work on increasing my speed a little bit.  I did increase my speed by .5 mph on my last few miles.  So I did a lot of running, walking, increasing incline.....just to try to entertain myself for awhile.  I did end up getting 7 miles in.  I know it isn't 12.....but I'm happy with it.  It was a good workout......I ran a little bit faster than normal and I burned 996 calories according to my heart rate monitor. 

Next weekends run is supposed to be 5 miles, I believe.  Since I cut this week short.....Maybe next Sunday I'll shoot for 8.  One thing I did notice.....I'm not so stiff.  I'm guessing it is because I didn't have to deal with the cold weather.  The wind was quite chilly today and I just didn't have it in me to to out today. 

Have a great week!  Oh and Lori did not sign up for the Chicago Marathon.  When she went online to sign was already full.  It filled up in just a couple of days, I believe.  She is on the lookout for another one.  She's crazy!  :)

Happy Running!  Heal up Amber! 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Knee is feeling better

I ran on Monday & Tuesday.  Last night I did not.  I wanted to.....but got home late and decided to skip it.  I'm glad I did.  I woke up this morning and my knee feels pretty good.  I haven't worn heels to work the last few days and that is helping too.......can you relate Roger? 

So tonight I'm going to run again.  Maybe outside.  The treadmill is convenient....easy....but I just don't love it like I love running outside. 

Our training program calls for 12.5 this weekend.  I think we are going to do 11.  In 2 weeks it has us run 14.....I think we'll do 12 or 12.5 then.  Tammy or Roger....when you run 12 you run on the trails?  Where do you go?  We usually run in Afton, but we're thinking of changing up our scenery.  Parking a car at the beginning and one at the end of the 12 miles.  So any ideas for a great new place to run......let us know.  Thanks!

Have a great day!  Happy Running!!! 

P.S.  Lori is thinking about signing up for a full.....I can't wait to hear if she signs up or not! Go for it Lori!!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Last night I had a date with my treadmill.  My calf muscles were so I knew that I needed to do some walking at an incline.  So I spent 40 minutes and today my calf muscles are much better. 

I had planned on running outside today......but it's chilly....and windy.  So I'll probably hop on the treadmill again.   

This weekend is 12.5 miles.  I'm hoping for a nice day.....hopefully no ice to worry about.  Then we have one more long one before we start tapering off.  The race is going to be here before we know it. 

I've been saying through this.....this is the only half I'll ever run....and I'll never run a Marathon.  BUT.....I'm kinda changing my tune on the half.  I told Rob last night that my next half will be in Nashville.  Amber, wouldn't that be fun!!  But first I have to make it through this one without the slow bus picking me up.  Ask me after Sarasota....

Happy Running!  Have a great rest of the week. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Back at it

Today I was back at it.  Felt good.  My knee was a little stiff and sore....but not bad.  I was on the treadmill for about 35 minutes today.  Tomorrow I'll head outside and run 4. 

Amber got a call from the doctor......x-ray didn't show anything.  But the doctor also didn't offer any advice on what to do to relieve the pain.  And she said the pain is getting worse.  So she is taking a few days off.......hopefully that will help. Our bodies don't always appreciate what we put them through.  But hopefully she'll be ready to go in a few days. 

36 days to the race.  I'm excited.  Terrified also.  But I am looking forward to sunny Florida.  I think I might go tanning a few times too....since my skin hasn't seen the sun in quite a few months.

Happy Running!  Enjoy the Super Bowl....if you are watching.  I'm watching and hoping I win some money on the pool we're on! 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Getting better

My knee is starting to feel a lot better.  I'm thinking I just pulled a muscle around my knee.  I'm going to run either tonight or tomorrow and then Sunday.

Amber had some x-rays yesterday.  She is having pain in her upper ankle area......she will find out early next week what the doc says.  She says she is running the race no matter let's hope it is no big deal. 

Keep running!  Have a great weekend.  4 miles this weekend for me. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

no running....

I haven't exercised at all this week.....I did something to my knee. It is starting to feel better....I think. At least I'm trying to convince myself of that. :) Maybe tonight I'll walk....depending on how it feels. If my knee isn't better by Monday....I am making a doctor appt.

Running is a tough sport! Haha. I think it takes awhile for your body to adjust to the new activity. Hopefully this is nothing and I'll be back at it in a couple of days.

Happy Running!