Sunday, July 31, 2011

10k training

Tomorrow morning Amber & I start training for a 10k. 2 miles tomorrow plus some strength training. I believe my knee is ready to go.  I rode my bike a little today. The only time I have much pain anymore is going down stairs and if I've been walking a lot.  Tuesday I start physical therapy. So hopefully I'll be all back to normal SOON!

Happy Running. Have a good week.

Friday, July 29, 2011


My leg is feeling pretty good today.  Best it has felt in 2 weeks.  I've been trying really hard to stay off of it as much as possible and I've been icing it more too.  I seriously think staying off of it is the best way to get it to heal. 

I'm getting antsy....I'm ready to run.  We got our 10K training schedule.  Looks completely different than our's about distance and not time.  So that will be a completely different way of looking at things.  It is a little intimidating....but we're up for the challenge, right Amber? 

Have a great weekend.  I'm REALLY hoping to be running by Monday!  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Back from the doctor

So the verdict is in.....I'm running tonight.  It isn't going to be pretty and I'm guessing I'm going to be doing more walking than running...and I'm going to be SLOW.  But I want to be there with our group!

So the doctor said....there are 3 muscles that come together on the inside of the knee.  Mine are all sore and swollen...causing the pain behind the knee, down the calf and quad at times.  This could be a reoccuring problem so I'm going to go through some physical therapy to learn how to manage this.  Also my knee cap is irritated and making weird noises.  She didn't see any reason why I couldn't run if I could tollerate the pain.  So I'll give it a try..... She also recommended getting on my bike a few days a week. 

I talked to the doctor about the 10K training....she is fine with that as long as I do the therapy.  That starts next week.  Hopefully I'll be good to go! 

Go Get 'Em Amber!  And hope that I can make it!  Results to follow tomorrow......

Happy Running!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Doctor appt tomorrow

Tomorrow is my doc appt. I think I'm dealing with more than a pulled muscle.  But I'm not a We will see.

Big improvement today with my after my appt tomorrow the final decision will be made to run tomorrow night or not.... So stay tuned....

Happy Running!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I Want To Run!

Who ever thought I'd be saying that? Certainly not me!  Improvement with the leg today.  Best it has felt in over a week. I'm pretty sure I will be all ready for 10K training!

Stay cool. Happy Running!!  4 more days Amber! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Foam roller

Tonight we had our last group class.  We talked race strategy and how to prepare this next week. 

I also talked to Kitty about my leg. She had me buy a foam roller and showed us all how to use it. So now I just use it and cross my fingers that my leg is better in a week. 

I've been worried that I'm not ready and I could use two more weeks.  Now I'm just hoping to be able to run. It hurts to even that probably wouldn't even be a good idea. 

So cross your fingers, toes and whatever else....say a prayer....and hope lady luck comes through for me and I can run.   I'll keep you posted!

Monday, July 18, 2011

I'm worried....

My leg isn't really improving....and I'm worried about the race. Tonight I wrapped and iced my leg. I hate the fact that I'm missing out on training time but I'm more worried that I've got 9 days and it hurts to put pressure when walking, let alone running.  But I have to be smart.  We'll see what tomorrow brings. If anything I'm hoping I'm good to go for Wednesday night's training. I'll keep you posted. Happy Running....stay hydrated!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


I am a little bit....well not a little bit, but very irritated with my leg. I believe I pulled a muscle Wednesday night. I've been limping around for a few days.  Every day it has gotten better so I'm hoping to make it through our run tomorrow morning. I'm thinking a few days off after tomorrow might be needed.  We'll see.  I just need to be in top shape for our race.  Wish me luck tomorrow.

Happy Running!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Holy Cow!

So last night we went to training thinking we were going to follow program...... 8 min intervals, 5X.  Well not the case......Brenda decided we'd shake it up a little bit again.  So we did about 5 minutes of walking.....then run for probably 4-5 minutes at a faster pace than normal, get to the bank parking lot and do 10 jumping jacks, 10 squats, 5 lunges on each knee....then start running again.  Run another 4-5 minutes and repeat again.  We did that 3 times and then got to rest a couple of minutes and catch our breaths.  Then we were to run all the way back.....just about a mile.  I was completely wiped out from the exercises.  We had to stop a few times on our way back.  The strength straining is certainly a weakness for Amber & I.  Once we got back to the corner....we walked around the corner and ran up hill 2 times.  It was quite the work out.  I'm really sore today.  Workouts like that make me feel like I'm not as far along as I thought I was.  I left feeling a little bit defeated.  BUT.....I know I have to shake that off and look at how far I've (we've) come in just 8 weeks. 

We talked about our race plan a little bit last night too.  Brenda (Coach) suggests we run 1.5 miles and then take a walk break at the water station for a minute.  That seems a little we'll see how it goes race day.  I know the adrenaline will kick in.  And the weather will play a big role in that too.  

We stayed for the 10K information meeting last night.  There were 7 of us from the 5K training.  The 10K training certainly looks different......we run for distance and not time.  That will be a different way of approaching things.  We're going to do it.  Amber & I hope that it helps our endurance.  The program also incorporates strength training and I know we both need that too.  

Our 5K training program started out with around 60 people.  Last night there were probably only 20 people there.  It will be interesting to see how many people actually run the 5K race.   We'll be there!  and we'll finish! 

Have a great day.  Happy Running! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

2 weeks from today.......

is our 5K.  I'm excited.....and nervous. 

Yesterday Amber & I were talking.....yesterday's program was run 4 min, walk 2, repeat 4X.  That seemed easy.  We felt like we didn't run enough.  But....I said.....we have to trust that our coaches know what they are doing when preparing us for our first race. 

Tonight's group run is going to be our toughest yet.  40 minutes of running.  Run 8 min, walk 2 min...repeat 5X.  The weather is perfect outside this tonight should be a nice night for a run!  I'm looking at this run as the same as our 5K.  Run 8 min, walk 1 or 1 1/2 is kind of what we are thinking we are going to do for our race.  So tonight will be the test.......are we ready for this?  I know we are.  We've followed the program pretty much 100%.  I feel like a 12 week program would be really good and I'd be more prepared....but since that's not the case....we'll be ready in 2 weeks.  

Theresa, how is the running going?  I see you are going to the Kettle bell gym....are you running too?  I am thinking....and Amber too.....we need to work in some weight lifting into our program.  After we get through this 5K training and see what the 10K training program is like.....we'll have to put a plan together to add that in. 

Tonight is our informational meeting for the 10K training.  I'll be out of town on the day of the race......but Amber is going to run it.  And then we're going to do a 10K in October in Madison.  Remind me to sign up for that Amber! 

Have a great day.  Happy Running!  I'll let you know how tonight's run goes. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday's Run was.....

BRUTAL!  The weather was awful.  Humidity was very high and breathing was pretty tough.  I felt like I was sweating out of every pore in my body.  Yuck.

Our program was to run 7 min, walk 2...repeat 5X.  We decided we were going to go to Monterey Park and run on the path for our 5K.  As soon as I walked out of the door at my house at 8 am and hit the hot air.....I knew it was going to be tough.  But it was tougher than I expected.  We got through the first 3 runs......barely.  Then we started the 4th.  I got half way through and had to stop and walk.  Amber did the same.  I just didn't have anymore in me to continue running.  So we walked the rest of the way.   At first I felt guilty for walking.....but then I remembered what a friend had told me.....a bad run is better than no run at all.  So I got over the guilt quickly.  (And Amber I knew conditions were tough!)   

Saturday Rob & I had walked on the trails for 3.5 miles.   Still no running out of Rob....but I am getting him out walking every Saturday for the most part. 

Today is a cross train or walk day.  I'll probably walk on my treadmill tonight.  Tomorrow is an easy day...... run 4 min, walk 2...repeat 4X.  Wednesday will be tough.  Run 8 min, walk 2...repeat 5X.  It isn't supposed to be as humid that will make it a little bit easier. 

Wednesday night is our informational meeting for our 10K training.  Looking forward to that.  I'm curious to see if it will pick up where we are leaving off for our 5K training. 

Have a great week.  Happy Running! 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Rest day

Today is supposed to be a rest day........BUT I got up and ran a mile this morning.  I didn't run yesterday and I felt guilty about it.  Really?  I'm thinking this has become routine for me now and I don't want to break my routine.  So I do feel better knowing that I ran this morning.

Tomorrow is a walk day.  Sunday is a big run day.... run 7 min, walk 2 min....repeat 5X.  Amber & I are going to do Sunday's run on the 5K race path so we can familiarize ourselves with that path. 

Amber's ankle is wrapped....taking it easy for a few days.  She said it is killing her not to run.....but she is following instructions from our nurse at work.  Good girl Amber.  :-)

Have a great weekend.  Happy Running.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Group Run

Last night's run was run 7 min, walk 2...repeat 4X.  I can handle the time just's those darn hills that kick my butt.  We run on the trail by Traxler park for our group run.  Our first run segment is up hill......and so is our last one.  I do have to admit that it has gotten easier...but it certainly isn't easy by any means.  Hills are tough!!  I hate starting out on the hills as I feel like I can't catch my breath...but again, it has gotten better than the first time we ran up the hills.  I thought I was going to die the first time. 

Amber is out of commission for a few least she better be!  She needs to let her ankle heal.  She was mad last night that she couldn't run.....she said walking sucks.  She said....who would have ever thought I'd be mad because I couldn't run?  Amber has become a RUNNER!!! 

Today's run is easy.  Run 3 min, walk 2......repeat 3X.  Piece of cake.  I'm going to do it tonight after work.  I asked Rob if he wanted to join me.....he didn't seem overly excited about it but we'll see what he says tonight. 

Rest day tomorrow.  Always happy to see Friday come.

Happy Running!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


As everyone knows.......we survived our first race!!!  WOOHOOO!!  And much to our surprise.....Amber & I both got awards.  I got 2nd in my age group and Amber 4th in her age group.  I'm guessing there were only 3 people in my age group.....but I'll take it!  :-)

Amber rolled her ankle 2 days before the that is causing her some pain.  I keep telling her.....don't over do it.  She's fought this battle before with her ankle and she says it will heal...just needs some time.  So I was pretty proud of her for battling through the race with ankle pain.  She has to take care of it so she can run the 5K in 3 weeks.

I was happy with my time.  12.44.  That was faster than I had "practiced" so I was pleased.  I did find the race atmosphere motivating.  I....and I know I speak for Amber too....prefer to start at the back of the pack.  I guess at this point I'm concentrating on my form, my breathing, etc and if someone is talking the whole time can be quite distracting.  I'm guessing this will change as I get more confident in my running....but we'll see. 

Seeing the finish line and having people cheer you on is quite motivating.  Rob was at the finish line when we got there.  I wasn't so sure I wanted him there at first.....I kept thinking....what if I can't finish?  But I did find that having the support there at the Finish Line is pretty cool. 

3 weeks from tomorrow is our 5K.  

We were up bright and early this morning and ran.  Tomorrow is our group class.  This really is becoming routine.....and I love it!! 

Happy Running!  Oh and Great Job Roger and Tammy for the 10K!  You two are a great inspiration for me!!!!  And thank you for your support as well!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


I had originally not planned on running today.  We ran on Friday instead of today as Amber was going to be out of town.  BUT....yesterday I purchased a Garmin heart rate monitor/watch/timer, etc so I decided I wanted to try it out and see if I could figure out how to use it. 

So I looked at our program and it was run 7 min, walk 2...repeat 5X.  So I thought....well I'll set my watch and give this a whirl.  I decided I would do it 3X.  Heading to Summerfest and will be doing a ton of walking so I don't want to have sore, stiff legs for tomorrow's run.  So I figured out how to set my watch and ran 7 min, walked 2, 3X.  This watch gives a ton of info!  It was much nicer having it compared to using my cell phone and app.  I know the Garmin has a ton of features....for now, I'm interested in the distance, steps, time and timer. 

Well I'm off to Summerfest......  Rog, Tammy and Amber....see you in the morning.  I'm excited......Our FIRST race!!!!!!  Happy 4th!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Friday's Run.......

Our goal was to run 2 miles straight.  Well we were close...and I'm calling it a success as it was the most running we've done without stopping.  We ran 12 minutes without stopping and then walked about 2 minutes and then ran another 10 without stopping.  The humidity never helps when we are trying to run but we're getting more used to it. 

Today is a walk day.  It's pretty humid outside but I'm still going to go out for a walk.  I think it helps with getting used to the I'll just take plenty of water with me.

Amber & I are both pretty proud of how far we've come in 6 weeks.  Our first week we ran one minute we're running a mile straight!  WOW.   We've talked about how we've really learned a lot about ourselves......mentally and physically.  And I never thought I'd LOVE running.  Thanks to Roger & Theresa for the encouragement to take on this challenge! 

Amber & I are running on Monday in Milton....obviously not the 10K this year.....but next year!  So I'll look for you & Tammy! 

Happy 4th!  Happy Running!!