Sunday, October 30, 2011

Date with the treadmill

This morning I decided I'd have a date with the treadmill.  I wanted to do 15 run/15 walk segments again....and I wanted to increase my speed.  So I set my garmin....and away I went.  I started with a slow 5 minute warm up and then started the 15 intervals.  I started out running at 4 mph.  I ended my last running interval at 5.2 mph.  I ended up going .16 further this time than I did last time.....for the same amount of time.  So I was happy with that.  I think I'm going to work on this same routine all week.  And then next week increase my running segments to 2 minutes and walking 1 minute....with increasing my speed each time.  This should hopefully put me in a decent spot to start the 20 week training program in a few weeks. 

Enjoy your Sunday.  No Packers.  :( 
Happy Running.  Take it easy with your ankle Rog! 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Good Luck!!

Good Luck to my friend Lori!  She is running her first half this weekend in Madison.  She has been training really hard and is very prepared.  You are going to do awesome Lori!  Proud of you!  Can't wait to hear how it goes. 

How do you keep yourself motivated after you run a half?  Roger?  Tammy?  Do you sign up for another race?  Do you follow a training schedule?  Lori & I talked about this at lunch.  How do you keep running in your life?  How do you stay at a pace that you can run 3-5 miles 3 or 4 times a week? 

Hope your ankle is doing well Roger. 
Have a great weekend.  Happy Running. 

Oh and my knee is feeling pretty good.  I'm trying to make friends with my treadmill....and we're past just being acquaintances now....working on becoming friends.   :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Hotel Rooms booked

Amber & I booked our hotel room for Florida.  Our plan is to fly out on March 8th and then fly back on March 12th.  We're staying at the Hilton near the Sarasota airport.  Thanks to Amber....she had enough points for 2 nights free!  So that works.  So now we watch for flights. 

How is your ankle doing Rog? 

Tonight I'm going for a 3 mile walk.  Tomorrow I'm going to run/walk for 30 minutes.  I'm going to start out doing the first week of the 20 week program for a couple of into it slowly with my knee. 

Have a great week!  Happy Running.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


I've been looking online and found a half marathon training program that Amber & I are going to do.  Most of the programs have been 10-14 weeks.  I found one that is 20 weeks.  It is a program designed by Jeff Galloway.  It also incorporates the run/walk method.  With my knee....I'm thinking this is the way I'm going to have to go to be able to increase my distance.  We'll start the program in just a few weeks.  In the meantime.....I need to figure out what is the best ratio for running/walking.  I'm going to time myself this next week and see where I'm getting the best time running/walking a mile.  Once I determine that.......then that is what Amber & I will most likely use for our training and race.  Looking forward to getting started!

Glad to hear you didn't break your ankle!  That would have sucked.  Hopefully you are starting to feel better all ready. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!  Happy Running!! 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I woke up early this morning so I thought I'd head down to my treadmill.  I have come to realize that if I put my treadmill on an incline of knee isn't so bothered.  If I have it at zero or hurts my knee more. 

My knee is still a little sore.....but not bad.  So I figured I'd just do 2 miles.  So I walked a half a mile......then ran/walked for about 20 minutes and then walked about 5 or 6 minutes.  Right now it feels pretty good.  I'm just the knee pain EVER going to go away or do I just need to figure out how to manage it?  I'm a little frustrated that I can't seem to increase my distance without suffering for a few days afterwards.  Do doctors really know what they are talking about?  Sometimes I wonder.  If at the end of October this is still hurting......I think I need to make another appointment.  Maybe with a different doctor. 

Happy Running.  Tammy & you have any other races before the half in Sarasota?  I'm thinking about doing another 5K here in Janesville.  I think it is the first weekend of December.  I need to check my calendar. 

Have a good week! 
Amber - how is your hip feeling?

Monday, October 17, 2011

5K is done......

Saturday I completed my first 5K.  Glad to have it done.....but I wasn't overly thrilled with how it went.  We all know we are harder on ourselves than anyone else although I'm glad to have it done, I would prepare myself a little bit more. 

The wind was crazy on Saturday morning.  Running into the wind, I felt like I couldn't breath.  I felt like I'd never ran before.....I just couldn't catch my breath.  We started running and my pants started falling down.  I wear these pants all the that was distracting!  Then my hat blew off and my hair was blowing in my of my BIGGEST pet peeves when running.   And my knee was hurting.  Geez......things just weren't going great.  I walked A LOT more than I wish I would have.  I didn't run very much the week or two before the race.....trying to make sure my knee felt ok.  I do think that hurt my running performance.  BUT......with all of that being said.....we finished!  And next time I intend to do better!

Amber went to a Physical Therapist this morning.  Her hip has really been hurting we were quite the pair for the race!  She has IT band syndrome and hip bursitis (Did I get that right Amber?).  So she has to work on stretching the IT band and strengthening her right side.  The PT suggested 10 days off of running.  I'm giving my knee a rest this week too.  Riding my stationary bike every day.   Hopefully then we'll be healthy and ready to continue our training! 

Happy Running!!  And good job to Lori with her running!  She is kicking butt....and will be ready for her half at the end of the month!!! 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Amber & I are signed up for a 5K.  Next Saturday.  I feel like I really need to get this under my belt.  I'm not sure I'm 100% ready.......but what the heck.  I'm doing it's just a good way to push myself. 

Tonight our plan is to run a mile......walk 3 minutes, run another mile, walk 3 minutes and then see what else we can do.  I feel like we have the mile we just need to build on that.  And I am completely ok with walking a little bit.  So maybe we'll get 3 miles in tonight?!?! 

This weather is perfect for running!  Happy Running! 

Have a good day. Tina

Monday, October 3, 2011

Over 4 miles tonight

Amber & I put in a little over 4 miles tonight. Ran a solid mile again and did other running too.  Progress!!
Wednesday's goal: 1.5 miles w/ out stopping.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday run

Today's run was good! Amber and I walked for 10 minutes, ran for about 11. I had to stop and stretch my calf muscles. Then we walked for 3 and then ran a mile without stopping. Today I felt like we made progress and I'm happy with that!

Next weeks goal: Run 1.5 without stopping.  Check back for updates!

Happy Running.

Question...what do u wear for running in the cold? It was 35 degrees this morning. Bbrrrrrr.  Do u wear a hat? Ear muffs? Gloves?