Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Today I'm "officially" starting the 5K program again

I've been doing things kinda willy nilly......running a little here and there but nothing too structured.  I think I need some structure back.  So I'm going to start the 5K training program over today and do the Advanced Beginner program.   Here's an example of the difference between the program I did before and what I'm going to do this time.......

Day 1 for advanced:  Run 1 min, walk 2 min, repeat 10X.
Day 1 for beginners:  Run 1 min, walk 2 min, repeat 3X.

I'm ready to tackle the advanced, get back into a training routine and build on what I had already accomplished.  Next week Amber & I are going to start running together again.  Looking forward to it for sure!!!!! 

Since I wasn't able to run the 5K race before.....we're going to do one on Saturday, Oct 8th.  I figure the advanced 5K training should get me to where I need to be. 

I'll report back as to how things go this week.....with officially being back at it.  Happy Running!

Monday, August 29, 2011

It's Monday and I'm ready to start a routine again

Last weeks short runs went well.....I'm ready to start a running routine again. 

I got up this morning and went out for a little run.  I am trying really hard to take it this morning I ran 4 - 3 minute segments. That is on week 3 of the 5K training and I'm thinking I'm going to stick with the 3 minute segments this week....probably just increase the amount of times.  And I'm hoping next week to jump to 5 minute segments.  Increasing my distance a little every day.  Hoping to be around 2 - 2.5 miles by the beginning of next week.  So far so good.......

How is your training going? 195 days to Sarasota!

Have a great week!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

2nd day of running

2 days of running!!  YEH!!!  Feels good.  Slowly getting back into the groove.  Both mornings I did about a mile and a half......ran more today than yesterday.  I promised the Physical Therapist I would start out I'm keeping my promise.  I'm hoping within a week or so.....I can run a mile without stopping.  We'll see how the knee/leg holds up......I'll keep you posted!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I can run again......starting next week!!

I went today for my last therapy appointment.  I can start running next week......slowly and for small time segments.  We agreed that I would start out with the training program for the 5K.  Obviously, I'm behind for the 10K training so I'm going to start on Sunday with the 5K training and go slowly.  I can't afford to lose more I'm going to follow rules. 

I also got a bunch of core exercises from my therapist.  This will help with the weakness that I've got in my right side. I'm really looking forward to getting back to it.  And Amber....I'll be up to speed with you soon!!!! are you feeling?  Running yet?  We're quite the group!  Tammy, how are things going for you?  Are you training for your next half?  When is that?  Sept 24th? 

Any running yet Theresa? 

FYI to all of you........200 days to the Sarasota race!!!  :-) 

Have a great day! Tina

Monday, August 15, 2011


Well HOPEFULLY.......I have one more week of therapy and then I can start doing a little bit of running.  That is our plan anyways. 

Saturday I went for a 4 mile calf muscle was so tight that it hurt to put weight on it after the walk.  My therapist thinks I was favoring my knee and walking on the side of my foot causing the cramping/tightness in my calf. 

We're working on strengthening my right hip.  There is a BIG difference in strength and balance from my right to left side.  My right side is really weak. So hopefully all of the exercises I've been doing will help out! 

I rode my bike tonight for 45 minutes.  I did yesterday too. That seems to help stretch out my muscles. 

Hope you are back to running Roger.  And I'm hoping to be back running with you soon Amber!!

Happy Running!

Friday, August 12, 2011

3.5 mile walk

Day off for me today......and my physical therapist said I could go for a 3 mile walk.  So I just got home.....limping a little, but not bad.  I'm icing my knee now....and that always helps. 

So knee is getting better, I think.  I'm doing my exercises and trying to build strength in my right hip, butt and leg.  Once I have some strenth, hopefully I won't have the issues with the sore muscles on the inside and behind my knee trying to compensate for the weekness.

Therapy next week.....Monday & Wednesday too. is your back? 

Happy Running!  Have a great weekend!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Physical Therapy

I went to therapy today....Dr is seeing progress. I can start running when I can walk fast without hopefully soon!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Guess who just agreed to go to Florida and run the half with us???  AMBER!!!  Awesome!!  I knew she'd come around.  :-)   

Happy Running!!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

PT Appt

Well I have more issues than I thought......

My muscles are so tight that the Physical Therapist was surprised I could run at all.  I've actually been told this plenty of times.  When I had meniscus surgery they had a hard time getting to my meniscus due to my muscles and knee cap being so tight.  So I wasn't overly surprised when I heard this today.  I was told the same thing when I went through therapy before.  And my butt and hip muscles are pretty weak......causing the pain on the front of my knee cap and the inside of my knee.  He gave me the technical term for what is going on......but I can't remember both of them....too many big words.  One was patella tendonitis but can't remember the one that has to do with the inside of my knee.  

So I have 2 pages of exercises and will be going to PT 2 times a week for a few weeks.  No running right now.  I can go for walks......but he doesn't want me to venture far from home.  When my knee/leg starts to hurt.......I need to get off of it.  Staying off of going to help the healing process.  I'm going to go to the 10K training program on Wednesday night.....but will probably walk a half mile and turn around and keep doing that same distance so I'm not too far away from the store.  We'll see how my leg feels tomorrow.  :-)  (Listening isn't one of my strengths!)  

Strengthening and lengethening my muscles will help big time.  And I remember this from my PT I plan on following them so I can get back to running. 

The Physical Therapist is actually training for a 5K too.  So I kept telling him.....he has to get me into shape soon! 

Happy Running!  Or biking for me.  Have a good week!