Saturday, April 30, 2011

Week 2, Day 1

I just completed Week 2 Day 1.  This weeks program is walk 5 minutes, run 90 seconds, walk 2 minutes....repeat 6 times and then a 5 minute cool down. I increased my running speed a little bit today too.  A little progress every day.......

I had misplaced my pedometer earlier this week.  I found it last night.  Glad to have it back.  I try to make sure I get in 10K steps each day.  It's 12:30 and I've already got 9K steps in!

I took the day off yesterday from exercising.  I think 5-6 days a week is good.  Do you agree? 

Enjoy your day!!!  One week from today Roger & Tammy!!  How exciting!!!

Theresa - you haven't puked from exercise class again I hope! 

Talk to ya soon.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Completed Week 1 of C25K

Yesterday was a BIG deal for me.  Not only did I finish Week 1....but when asked to go out for a few drinks for a friends birthday......I said I can at 5pm AFTER I run.  I made exercising a priority.  I haven't done that for a LONG time.  So I was pretty proud of myself. 

So then at 5pm, I ventured off to meet a few girlfriends at Ground Round.  As I'm sitting at a table by the window.....who walks by?  Roger & Tammy!  It was great to see you Rog and it was GREAT to meet Tammy.  I really liked her and you seem so happy together!  :-)

As I was telling Roger, I'm hoping to make it to Lake Geneva for their first half marathon.  I want to get a feel for what I'm in for! 

Tonight we're going out for fish.  I'm hoping to get some walking in tonight.  Then tomorrow I'll start Week 2 of my program.  The running sessions are a little longer.  Looking forward to it. 

Have a great Friday! 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Today I ran for.......

10 whole minutes without stopping!!!  WOOHOO!  I was pretty excited.  After work and dinner, I got on my elliptical for 20 minutes and then decided I'd hop on my treadmill and walk a mile or two.  Well.....I decided to run.  I thought.....maybe I can run for 5 minutes straight.  Then......I got to 5 and thought, well let's shoot for 6.  Then 7, 8, 9 and 10.  TEN WHOLE MINUTES without stopping.  I'm seeing progress every day.....building each day and I'm finding that is what keeps me motivated!  And I feel great today. 

Tomorrow is Week 1, Day 3 of C25K.  Looking forward to that....piece of cake after today.  :-) 

Talk to ya tomorrow.  Happy Running!!! 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 1, Day 2 of C25K....complete

Just finished up my walk/run on the treadmill.  Funny thing.......I was actually excited to do it today.  And I feel great. 

Tomorrow I think I'll use my elliptical....I haven't done that in awhile.  It's nice that I have options in my basement.  We also have a really nice fitness center at my work.  Treadmills, ellipticals, bikes, leg machines, arm machines, etc.  They do offer a few classes.........zumba mostly.  I was going to zumba for awhile.  The twisting and turning wasn't great on my knee and I kind of got bored with it after a year.  I always hear people say the treadmill is boring.......I completely disagree.  Give me some good music......and the treadmill is a great place to let off some steam. 

Did you see Linda's post on my wall on Facebook?  No commitment out of her yet.  We'll have to work on her! 

Next Wednesday is the informational meeting for Beginner to 5K program.  I can't wait!!!! 

Have a great night.  I'll check in tomorrow. 

Monday, April 25, 2011


Mondays are NEVER my favorite day of the week.  I didn't sleep very well last night so I was pretty tired when I got home.  But I still wanted to get some exercising in.  The C25K program that I'm doing is running every other I was glad I didn't have to run today.  So my dog Roxy and I went for a walk.  About 2 miles.  I can't run with her....she is way too hyper.  I've tried and nothing good comes of that!  There is NO way I could ever keep up with her.  Tomorrow it will be back to running.....Week 1, day 2. 

Hope your foot starts to feel better Roger!!!  Good idea to take it easy before your run. 

Happy running!  Have a great week.  I'll report back tomorrow.  Go Brewers!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter....and Happy Running

After a few days of slacking off.....I'm back!  I had lost my get up and go for a few days.....the flu probably didn't help but it sure was easy to come up with an excuse NOT to exercise.  But I got up today......put my ipod on and down to the treadmill.  I used my C25K program again today.  I've been doing things kind of willy nilly, but today I "officially" started the C25K program and intend to follow least until I start the running program at All Season Runner.

Have a great Easter! 

Very cool that you got a new bike Teri!  I have a recumbent bike in my of the pedals broke off yesterday so I need to get that fixed.   I do also have a bike that I can ride outside......nothing fancy, but I'll have to dig that out once the weather stays nice.

Rog, your run is coming up!!!  Are you ready?  Is Tammy ready?  Did Tammy get you into running or did you start this venture together? 

Have a great day!  Go Brewers!!!  Talk to you tomorrow!!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Slow and steady

After being in bed all day yesterday and part of today......I really wanted to get some exercising in.   2 days in the house and I was going stir crazy!  So I went down to my treadmill........walked/ran a mile and then got on my bike for 5 miles.   I feel better now that I've exercised.  I'm finding that I can run a little bit longer each day without stopping. I'm very happy with that.  A little progress each day.......One day at a time. 

Teri - you threw up from an exercise class?  Yikes!  That must have been one tough class!!!  You're a machine!! 

Roger - Thanks for the advice about running at my own pace.  I used to run 2-3 miles every other day about 4 or 5 years ago.  Then I had meniscus surgery and quit running.  Back then I was running around 5-5.8 mph and I was thinking I'd be able to pick up where I left off.  Not the case.  Now that I've realized that and slowed down.......I'm running further without stopping.  So good advice!

 Have a great night.  Happy Running!!!

Day 2....of the flu

No exercising bed with the flu.  Home again today.....starting to feel a little better so hopefully tonight I can do something!

Happy exercising! 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Back at it.....

Back to the treadmill after a weekend of fun!  I got on my treadmill tonight with my Ipod and did Week 2, Day 1 of C25K.  5 minute walking warmup...then 1 1/2 minute run, 2 minute walk.  Repeat 6 times.  Then 5 minute cool down.  I did that and then did another mile on the treadmill walking/running.  I discovered that I was trying to run too fast.  If I slow down.......I can go a lot longer.  Common sense.....right! 

Nice job on the run on Sunday Rog. 
And Teri - Sounds like you have found a new workout!  Fill me in!

How often do you guys run?  Every other day?  I'm trying to figure out a schedule......and what I should do on my non running days.  Ideas?  

Well Monday is done.  Have a great rest of the week.  I'll check in tomorrow.  Happy running.  

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 5

I was pretty sure I wasn't going to exercise tonight........I had a sinus headache all day and decided I was going shopping after work and then home to bed.  BUT.......I surprised myself!  I got home from shopping, ate dinner and put my exercise clothes on.  I went downstairs, put my Ipod on my C25K program....and away I went.  Ran/Walked for 2 miles.  And my headache is gone too!  

I won't be exercising tomorrow or Saturday.  Off to a couple of Gary Allan concerts. But I'll be back at it when I get home Sunday.

Hope your back starts to get better Rog!  That sucks. 

Have a great weekend! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 4....

So today I started telling a few more friends.......I'm training for a half marathon.  Today I got lots of.......good for you!  I know you can do it!  And I know they are right......I can do it......we can all do it!

Tonight I got on my exercise bike and rode 5 miles.  Then I got on the treadmill for 1.5 miles.....walking/running.  I ALMOST talked myself out of exercising I stopped after work for a couple cold ones.  BUT then I came home and knew I had better do a little something.  I always feel better after I why is it so hard to convince yourself to do it sometimes?  Strange. 

Tomorrow I might try to get up and exercise in the morning instead of at night.....we'll see how that goes.

Happy exercising......

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 3....and 1st attempt at running outside

So I'm still a little sore......but I wanted to get some running/walking in so I decided to venture outside.  I put my Ipod on and started my C25K app.  First five minutes is walking.  No problem.  Then the running starts.  One minute of running, 90 of walking. Repeat 9 times.  WOW.  Running outside is MUCH harder than the treadmill.  I made it through 7 repetitions and headed home.  I was dead tired.  So I went 2 miles tonight....I'd still like to get in another mile so I might go down to my treadmill yet tonight.  We'll see. 

As I'm running outside I'm thinking to myself......13.1 miles, really?  Can I do this?  Then I thought to have to start somewhere.  No one said it was going to be easy.  What fun would it be if it was easy?  So I made it through my first outside run......I know the beginners class that I take at ASR will help a lot too.  Until then.......I'll just keep chugging along.  One day at a mile at a time. 

Happy Running......and walking.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 2

Just as I expected....I was sore this morning when I got up.  And as the day went on....I became more sore.  BUT......I still got on my treadmill tonight for 3.1 miles.  Mostly walking but I did have a few running stints here and there.

I was telling one of my friends about the Beginners training program at ASR.  I think she (Amber) is going to do it with me.  It will be nice to have a friend to run with in the program....especially since we are both pretty new to running.

I told a few friends today about my new adventure.  I got a - Good for you!  And a - are you crazy? 

I read today that it takes 3 weeks to get into the "habit" of exercise and the first 3 weeks are the toughest.  Day 2 done....19 more to go until I'm in the "habit." 

Happy Running! Or walking....

Sunday, April 10, 2011

First Workout Complete

I just spent 48 minutes on my treadmill.  Ran/Walked the equivalent of a 5K.  Ran/Walked every 1/4 mile for the first 1.5 miles and then ran a minute, walked for 90 seconds and repeated that until I hit 3.1 miles.  I feel pretty good.  LOVE, LOVE my new shoes. 

Thanks to Rog for sending me down to All Season Runner.  What a great place.  Tons of help.  They got me all set up with new shoes, socks and a sports bra.  I'm signed up for their beginners running class.  It starts in May.  I'm really looking forward to learning the "correct" way to run.  Running on the treadmill is one thing....but learning to set my own pace outside is a whole new concept to me.  So I can't wait for that program to start!  In the mean time I'll work on my running/walking on my treadmill in my basement.

I'm guessing I'll be sore tomorrow.....we'll see.  Tomorrow I plan to walk.....I'm thinking I'll run every other day for now.  Happy running!

I committed....

and I have until March 11, 2012 to train to run a half marathon. WOW.  This is huge for me.  I'm not a big commitment person.  Big goals scare me half to death.  So I have to keep setting small goals...otherwise I give up.  So keep reminding me.....small goals Tina, small goals.

I'm going to blog my adventure to keep myself on track.  I'm heading downstairs for my "first" run.  It won't be much......but I've got to start somewhere!

I'm Sarasota bound!